Healings & Miracles of Saint Gabriel[ 4 ] ![]() The new miracles & testimonies of St. Gabriel's Intercession
Photinia: – At the beginning of January, I went to the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity. There, I bought a book by Father Gabriel. Before that, I had heard about him from a woman in the same church, whose daughter was healed through Father Gabriel's prayers; she had been very ill. Seeing the book, I bought it, and with a burning heart, I read it. With tears and great faith, I asked Father Gabriel to help me. My legs hurt very badly, I couldn't walk normally, I was limping all the time… to the point of crying out. I prayed to Father Gabriel, asked him, and literally within 2–3 days everything disappeared. Now I walk normally and always thank Father Gabriel! Glory to God! Saint Gabriel, pray for us sinners! ![]() – Through the prayers of Father Gabriel, God eased my suffering from an incurable illness. I was treated in the hospital for three weeks. But I only felt relief immediately after Nun Maria placed a small reliquary with a particle of the relics of Saint Gabriel on me, which Abbess Ketevan (Kopaliani) of the Transfiguration Samtavro Monastery, had given to Abbess Mikhail (Faizulina) of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Kemerovo. I am infinitely grateful to the Georgian saint, whose miraculous help could be written about endlessly. This topic is truly inexhaustible. Irina, Moscow Region 2018 ![]() I, Ekaterina Alexandrovna, venerated the icon of Saint Gabriel (Urgebadze) in the city of Kursk on February 25, 2018. I prayed fervently for the gift of a second child, and in that same month, I found out I was pregnant. The doctors said that, according to medical indications, pregnancy was unlikely. But through Father Gabriel's prayers and with God's help, we are expecting a son... by the end of October – on the day of the commemoration of Saint Gabriel (Urgebadze)!!! Thank you, Lord, for bringing this holy relic to us. 02.08.2018 ![]() I, Olga, had problems with my reproductive health and couldn't get pregnant for a long time. A fragrant icon of Saint Gabriel was brought to our city, Kursk. I found out about it by chance and started coming every day to venerate this icon, asking Saint Gabriel to help me with my trouble. In that same month, I became pregnant, and now my husband and I are expecting a son. Kursk 2018 ![]() I am Liya Fomina, a psalmist at the Church of All Saints in Kemerovo. For many years, I suffered from trophic ulcers on my legs and a tumor on my feet. I read the Akathist to Saint Gabriel (Urgebadze) and, with tears in my eyes, asked him to heal me. That evening at home, I prayed to him once more and applied holy oil from his relics to the ulcers and my feet. In the morning, I saw that the ulcers had all healed. The swelling in my feet had gone down. Within a week, the ulcers completely disappeared. I thank God for revealing such a saint to us. My gratitude to him is boundless. October 2018, Kemerovo ![]() Through the prayers of Saint Gabriel, we experienced a miraculous healing of our infant in our family. No medicines were helping, and the child had been suffering for a long time from allergic rashes that turned into oozing sores. After praying to Saint Gabriel, we anointed all the sores with his holy oil, and the next day they dried up. And the day after that, the child was completely healed of the sores. Your works are wonderful, Lord. We thank Saint Gabriel for his prayers and help. Do not forget us sinners, Saint Gabriel, and pray to God for us. Kursk 2018 ![]() I am Raisa, a resident of Zheleznogorsk. When the relics of Saint Gabriel (Urgebadze) were brought to us, I fervently prayed for my husband to stop drinking. To my surprise, on the second day, my husband came to venerate the relics. There hadn't been a day when he didn't drink a shot of vodka with dinner. But after visiting and venerating the relics, he developed an aversion to alcohol. Since he said he would no longer drink vodka, he hasn't touched it again. Glory to God for everything. We thank you for bringing us the relics, and we thank Saint Gabriel for his help and for preserving our family. November 26, 2018. ![]() I suffered from middle ear otitis, tinnitus, and dizziness. Medical treatment was ineffective. On November 10, 2019, after the service, I faithfully asked Saint Gabriel for help and venerated his relics, after which a miraculous healing occurred. I thank God for everything! Servant of God, Ekaterina. 2022. ![]() My daughter was studying at a flight school to become a civil aviation pilot. One day during a training flight, her landing gear failed to deploy several times. The fuel was running out. Then she loudly cried out to herself, "Father Gabriel, help me!" The plane released its landing gear and landed safely. This fall, we went to Georgia to thank St. Gabriel. My husband, Andrei, fell ill with testicular cancer. Through the prayers of St. Gabriel and all the saints, the Lord healed him; the tumor shrank, and upon discharge from the hospital, his primary diagnosis was changed. Through the prayers of St. Gabriel, God sent us a wonderful Orthodox doctor! Glory to God for everything! Servant of God, Nina 2022 ![]() Hello, I want to share a miracle that happened last winter. My older daughter, Sophia, had an inflamed gland on her lower eyelid (chalazion). For six months, we hoped it would go away, then we went to see the head of the ophthalmology department at the regional children's hospital in Tula. She examined us and said that the abscess needed to be surgically removed because it had been there for a long time and flared up after every cold. She prescribed preparation for the surgery. I called all the private clinics, asking if they could perform this surgery on my daughter under local anesthesia, and I called Kaluga and Moscow—everywhere the answer was the same. Until 18 years old, only general anesthesia is allowed. This is a huge burden on the body, on the heart, and I was very worried about my child. I treated her with the prescribed drops and one evening I prayed fervently before the icon of St. Gabriel, which we have at home, and anointed my daughter with oil from the lampada near his reliquary. I then began to massage the lower eyelid as usual, and some fluid came out. The next day, I did the same, praying and anointing the eyelid with holy oil, and the abscess opened, releasing pus like a regular pimple. A small scar remained inside, which later almost completely disappeared. The surgery was not needed! It was so ordinary, so simple, but at the same time, it was a clear miracle! After all, two doctors told me that the chalazion could not be treated and had to be removed. And under anesthesia in a hospital, so the child would not accidentally move, since it was the eye. Father Gabriel, we thank you for your help to us. As we are weak and seek your intercessions! And we thank you for your divine kindness! Servant of God, Olga. Russia, Tula. 2022 ![]() In the spring of 2019, I read an announcement that an icon and a relic of St. Gabriel of Samtavro would be brought to the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vitebsk. The day of the meeting was filled with excitement. We waited for a long time, and finally, a car arrived with sisters carrying the icon. Everyone entered the church, and the service began. At the end of the service, an akathist was read, and not only the choir but all the believers sang. The sisters shared the life story of St. Gabriel with great love and interest. After venerating the relics and being anointed with oil, I felt a sense of peace. I reached home at 11:00 PM, but my heart was very calm. My exhaustion had disappeared, and I quietly sang the akathist with joy. St. Gabriel taught me to pray for my family. I saw a prayer with the image of the Holy Family (Prayer 1 – for deceased relatives, Prayer 2 – for the sins of one's family) and realized that I knew almost nothing about my maternal grandfather. The precious gift is St. Gabriel's prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary, which was miraculously obtained from the tomb in Jerusalem. Those were unforgettable spring days. With the blessing of the priest and sisters, I was allowed to participate in trips to the churches under construction, as St. Gabriel helps in building. The last day of the icon's stay in our city came. We met again at the evening service on October 22. Everyone was very happy. After the service, we sang the akathist. At that time, I had been without a job for over a year. There were many rejections during interviews (either my education was not suitable, my age, or the position was already filled). I was in deep despair, but I fervently, with tears, asked for St. Gabriel's help. On October 23 and 24, I attended the akathist, and right after that, on the 24th, my neighbor invited me to work with her. The next day, I signed a contract. Thanks to the Lord God and the prayers of St. Gabriel of Samtavro! I want to tell people who are sick, in despair, or in trouble: in such moments, I take the icon of St. Gabriel, read prayers, and look into the radiant eyes of the elder – all the bad things just disappear. No matter how tired or disappointed you are, at the relics and the icon, you gain hope. Many thanks to the sisters, and we hope for many more meetings in the future. I have a dream: to visit the grave of St. Gabriel in the Samtavro Monastery, Georgia. 2022 ![]() Through the prayers of St. Gabriel, I see God's help. I thank the Lord and the Mother of God. I was scheduled for a planned open-heart surgery for coronary artery bypass grafting, based on the results of medical examinations. The surgery took place on May 22, 2019. After such operations, fluid accumulates in the pleural cavities for all patients. This affected me as well. It was very difficult to breathe, and talking was impossible. I would get completely out of breath while speaking. Every day, they performed an ultrasound of the heart and pleural cavities to check if the fluid was decreasing. Every day, based on how I felt, I tried to read morning and evening prayers and akathists for the sick. On the fifth day after the surgery, I was lying in bed before sleep, prayed, and read the akathist to St. Gabriel. I cried, placed the booklet with the akathist on my chest, crossed my arms over it, and fell asleep. When I woke up at dawn, I didn't understand what had happened. My pajamas and the entire bed were wet; it was impossible to sweat that much. That same day, during the ultrasound, the doctor was surprised and asked when I had been punctured and the fluid drained, but none of this had been done. This miracle was performed by St. Gabriel! There was no more fluid. Breathing became easy. Glory be to God for everything!!! Holy Father Gabriel, pray to God for us! Servant of God, Tatiana 2022 ![]() I came to venerate and pray to St. Gabriel of Samtavro at the Church of St. Great Martyr Irene in Moscow. We held a prayer service with an akathist and bought holy oil. It was Sunday, November 24, 2019. On Monday evening at home, an accident happened: my 2.5-year-old child pinched his finger in a door. The finger turned a purplish-blue. There were many tears and screams... I prayed fervently to St. Gabriel and anointed the finger with the holy oil. The abscess burst, and blood came out; the skin color lightened. By the evening, it turned pink with a small bruise, and the pain went away immediately. Glory be to God! I thank St. Gabriel for his swift help! Amen! Irina Savitskaya 2022 ![]() My mother was diagnosed with an ovarian cyst. The cyst was complex and large, and the doctors had serious concerns. She was referred to an oncologist and was to be operated on at the oncology center. We prayed and visited the relics of St. Gabriel, anointing her with holy oil. The follow-up ultrasound showed complete healing. They performed the ultrasound four times because the doctors couldn't believe such a thing was possible and tried to find an error! We can provide the results of the examinations if necessary. Glory to God and all the saints!!! Father Gabriel will not leave anyone in trouble! 2022 ![]() Hello, Mother Maria. I want to share my healing story. In the fall, I was diagnosed with an enlargement of the lung root lymph nodes (sarcoidosis). I was urgently advised to be hospitalized to have a biopsy. The thoracic surgeon agreed to postpone the procedure. At that time, I was not yet personally acquainted with Mother Maria and did not know about St. Gabriel, but the Lord led me to this meeting. After our meeting, I felt such peace and protection that I was afraid to tell anyone about it. At first, I didn't even understand what was happening to me. After some time, I agreed to undergo the surgery. Ten days later, we received the results. The most interesting part awaited me. The doctor called and asked me to come in. The results exceeded expectations; the initial diagnosis was not confirmed (which the doctors had been certain about). It turned out to be a very rare type of lymph node disease (a benign tumor). And most importantly, it required no medication or treatment. Previously, I had been told that it would be a long-term hormonal treatment, sometimes for life. I left the hospital wondering how this could be. Then I began to recall the events of the past four months. I realized that St. Gabriel himself had been protecting me, guiding me on where to go, and granted me healing. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 2022 ![]() "Let me heal you right now..." About one of the miracles of Elder Gabriel (Urgebadze) I met Irakli Gogoladze at the Samtavro Monastery. Quite accidentally, this young man, aged 25, approached me saying, "You know, Elder Gabriel has performed more than one miracle with me... I heard that a collection is being created where such stories will be included. Could you tell me whom I can contact?" With excitement and joy, I replied, "I am the translator and compiler of the Russian version of the book 'Diadem of the Elder'..." Without letting me finish, he, overwhelmed with emotions, began to tell his story. I turned on the recorder and... heard about one of the miracles of Elder Gabriel. It is the story that I want to share with you, dear readers. Elder Gabriel has performed more than one miracle in my family. Elder Gabriel had not yet been canonized when I first heard about him. Our first "meeting" was when I, a 7th grade student, visited the Samtavro Monastery with friends. Even as a child, I was struck by everything I saw at the grave. And foremost among them was the incredible number of people who came and bowed at the grave. Unconsciously, I also approached the grave, and it was here that our friendship with Elder Gabriel began. Bowing at the tomb, I felt immense grace. My heart filled with love. Feeling inner joy, I wanted to shout loudly, "I LOVE YOU ALL!" Nun Paraskeva gave us oil from the lampada at Elder Gabriel's grave and explained how it could be used for anointing. I felt as if I had acquired invincible strength. And so it was! Several months passed, and disaster struck our home. My father fell ill with psoriasis. We visited all the hospitals, but due to the severe and complicated stage of the disease, none of them accepted us. After some time, at the request of our relatives, my father was admitted to the Tbilisi Hospital for Skin and Venereal Diseases. The treatment was slow. Doctors said it would take at least four months for a full recovery. One night, my father suffered a heart attack and barely survived. That's when I remembered the elder whose grave was the site of miraculous healings. I ran home, took lampada oil from Elder Gabriel's grave, and went to the hospital. In the evening, doctors did not allow visitors into the ward, but when I explained the situation, they agreed and secretly let me in. I approached my father. He was asleep. Using my little finger, I anointed him three times crosswise with the oil, recited the Lord's Prayer, and with all my heart asked the elder for my father's healing. Then I silently left. In the morning, my mother, a friend, and I came to the hospital. Approaching my father's ward... or rather, rushing in at the cry of a nurse: "It can't be!" We thought, this is the end! My mother fainted. I was seized by a tremor I couldn't control. I entered the room and saw my father sitting on the bed. I was astonished. There was no rash on his body or face—his skin was like that of a newborn baby. Soon, the head doctor entered the ward—the very one who had allowed me to visit my father. I will never forget the expression on his face when he saw the completely clear skin of his patient! The doctor began to cry and crossed himself, saying, "Thank God... Thank that elder..." At that moment, my father stopped us and asked about which elder we were talking about. Before I could begin to tell him about Elder Gabriel, my father himself told us that he had dreamed at night that a priest with a gray beard had entered his ward and said to him, "Oh, my brother... You haven't confessed or received communion yet, but you have a believing son and a believing wife who have called me. I cannot bear to see them cry... Let me heal you now, and you start living a church life. Go to church often, confess and receive communion. That way, we will be friends... Otherwise, I will not be your friend. Got it?" He winked at my father, crossed him, and left... I cried, everyone in the ward cried! Although my father had never seen the elder in life, the description of the "priest" who appeared in his dream completely matched the image of Elder Gabriel. Glory to You, O God! Glory to you, Father Gabriel! Irakli Gogoladze Recorded by Konstantin Tsertsvadze ![]() By the prayers of the venerable Gabriel, I, the great sinner and servant of God Larisa, was healed from a serious illness - brain cancer. The closeness and love of God are always felt. I have found a spiritual elder, Father Feodor, and spiritual sisters with whom we go on pilgrimages, glorifying the Lord. He is always with us, and His love, through the prayers of the saint, helps us, sinners, to strive towards the Heavenly Jerusalem. Glory to God for everything! Larisa 2022 ![]() I, Anna, had been unable to resolve complex family issues and find peace of mind for a long time. I prayed, read the akathist to St. Gabriel the Elder, and finally found relief as the problems resolved themselves. I had long lost hope and never thought everything would fall into place so quickly and easily. Anna 2022 ![]() "I thank St. Gabriel for helping in the healing of my husband Sergey, who was diagnosed with stomach cancer (a tumor covering the entire stomach was found). We prayed collectively with friends to St. Gabriel reading akathist and prayers. Sergey was anointed with blessed oil and consumed breadcrumbs from the monastery. After some time, a CT scan showed no tumor. Thanks to God for everything! Margarita Meshcheryakova, February 9, 2023. Moscow. ![]() |