Photo Gallery 10 - Acquisition of relics of St. Gabriel

Acquisition of the holy relics of St. Gabriel
(Samtavro monastery, February 22, 2014)

Acquisition of the relics of St. Gabriel Acquisition of the relics of St. Gabriel Acquisition of the relics of St. Gabriel

Acquisition of the relics of St. Gabriel Acquisition of the relics of St. Gabriel Acquisition of the relics of St. Gabriel

Acquisition of the relics of St. Gabriel
Acquisition of the relics of St. Gabriel
Acquisition of the relics of St. Gabriel

Acquisition of the relics of St. Gabriel
Acquisition of the relics of St. Gabriel
Acquisition of the relics of St. Gabriel

Acquisition of the relics of St. Gabriel
Acquisition of the relics of St. Gabriel
Acquisition of the relics of St. Gabriel

Translation of the relics of St Gabriel to the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Tbilisi
(February 24, 2014)

Translation of the relics of St Gabriel to the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Tbilisi
Translation of the relics of St Gabriel to the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Tbilisi
Translation of the relics of St Gabriel to the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Tbilisi

Translation of the relics of St Gabriel to the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Tbilisi
Translation of the relics of St Gabriel to the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Tbilisi
Translation of the relics of St Gabriel to the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Tbilisi

(Photo: Zaza Mamulashvili)