Photo Gallery 5 - Saint Gabriel (Urgebadze)

The tower of King Mirian
The tower of King Mirian
Samtavro Convent
Samtavro Convent
The blackberry bush where St. Nina prayed in the 4th century
The blackberry bush where
St. Nina prayed in the 4th
century still flourishes.
Double rainbow over Samtavro monastery
Double rainbow
over Samtavro.
Sep. 4, 2011
Incorrupt blood of St.Gabriel
Incorrupt blood of St.Gabriel
A miracle
A miracle

Computer analysis
of the image.
TV "Imedi"
A miraculous  fire column
A miraculous fire column
Elders of Betania monastery : Fr.Basil, St.John and St. George
Fathers of Betania Monastery:
Fr.Basil, St.John and St. George
The Glory of Iveria
The icon
”The Glory of Iveria”
A Wonderworking Icon of Virgin Mary
A Wonderworking Icon of
Virgin Mary
A Wonderworking Icon of Our Savior
A Wonderworking Icon of
Our Savior