In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit!
One day, the all-Holy Mother of God was resting in her home on the Mount of Galilee in the holy city of Jerusalem, when the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, came and asked Her, “O my Mother, my dear, all-Holy Mary, are You sleeping?” Suddenly, the all-Holy Mother of God woke up and answered, “I had a dream. In it, You were being crucified and brutally tortured!” The Lord Jesus told Her, “All-Holy Mary, Your Dream is miraculous and everything will come true. All those who remember this Dream and keep it and share it with their mothers will be delivered from their troubles and torments. And those who will recall this dream and reflect upon it three times every Thursday will be delivered from all misfortunes.” Jesus asked the same question to the all-Holy Mother on Mount Golgotha for the second time. She answered Him, “My dear Son, I had a dream. In it, You were being crowned with thorns. Your head and Your body were covered in blood.” Christ told her, “Your Dream is miraculous. It is true, and everything will happen as You dreamed it. All those who will carry a copy of this Dream and share it with their mothers and not forget to do so, will be delivered from all misfortunes, so that the Evil One will not enter their homes.” The Lord Jesus asked the same question to the All-Holy Mother of God during their walk on Mount Golgotha for the third time, “Mother, tell me Your Dream.” The All-Holy Mary answered Him, “My dear Son, Jesus, I had a dream. In this dream, Your body was being tortured. During Your torments, the Moon darkened and the Sun became red; from that time forth, the Earth and the Sky became united and were covered by a curtain. Then, Joseph [of Arimathea] came and took Your body down from the Cross and buried it in the Sepulcher. After three days, the Gates of Hell were crushed, and Adam and Eve came out.” The Lord Jesus told Her, “My dear Mother, Mother of God, all those who keep a copy of this Dream and carry it with them will be guarded by a holy Angel and the Evil One will not enter their homes. Everyone who carries a copy of this Dream with them will rejoice greatly. God will grant them a happy journey and they will be rescued from a fearful death.
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This Dream* was written in the city of Jerusalem, the home of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Pray for your soul and you will be delivered from various torments. All those who carry a copy of this Dream and read it and pray it will be delivered from all misfortunes. All those who do not believe in this Dream will be punished. They will curse one another: king to king, father to son! There will be murders. Thunder and fire will kill them. They will all die.
“Mother of God, be the guardian of all people; prepare the path of our Lord Jesus Christ”.
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* (This Dream incorporates the teachings of the Word of God, the Holy Bible. All those who do not believe in God and consequently deny the existence of Heaven may not enter the Kingdom of God until they repent and acknowledge God. No one may inherit the Kingdom of God without faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. As the apostle Paul teaches us: If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. (1 Corinthians 15:13). To believe in this Dream is the same as to believe in God and His words in the Holy Bible concerning the destiny of humankind).
![]() THE PRAYER TO THE ALL HOLY MOTHER OF GODRejoice, blessed and all-merciful Mother, guardian of all Christians! The Angels are rejoicing over You; the Archangels are serving You! Rejoice Consoler of the sorrowful, a Rod of all blind people, Intercessor and Mediator of Your servants and maidservants! Rejoice, Vessel of the Holy One, peace of the most High; Rejoice, the beautiful Palace of our Lord! Rejoice, the Golden Frankincense of Your Creator! Rejoice, Mary, the golden woven Pillar; Rejoice, Who have raised the glorious and life-giving Cross to the heavenly Throne; the Holiest and Immaculate Maiden. Cover me, the possessor of this holy prayer, by Your homophorion (scapular). I beg You to protect my soul. Let me be worthy to walk in the truth to enter into The Kingdom of God, according to the words of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. O, Mary most Holy Virgin and Queen, the All-Pure Pillar and strength of our faith. Rejoice, unwedded Bride! Rejoice, unwedded and most Holy Mother, You Who did bear in Your most holy hand Him Who bears the world! Be the Guide and Mediator of Your servant. Be my Guardian and defend me from all my enemies all the days of my life. O blessed Mother, grant me additional years of life as God granted them to Ezekiel, he who enriched the earth with all goodness, so that I may likewise chant and glorify Your holy name now and forever and unto the ages of all ages. Amen. Rejoice, O Queen of Angels and Dominions. Rejoice, God is with You, Holy of Holies, with the Cherubim and Seraphim! Rejoice, O golden Ark, bearer of the heavenly Manna. Rejoice, O holy Virgin, Refuge of sinners! Rejoice, O flower of all faithful and holy fathers! O Virgin Mary, Holy of Holies and Guardian of Heavenly Wealth from which our Lord was incarnated, assist Your servant and give me the power of the precious and Life-giving Cross of Your Son, and keep me on the path of truth. O holiest Archangels Michael and Gabriel and all Archangels and Angels, pray that God will have mercy upon us. O most Holy Infant and Mother of God, my Queen, the Sun of Righteousness, most-beautiful and all-Glorious, You who reside above Heaven; brighter than the sun. O holy Mother, more radiant than the Cherubim, and more honorable than the Seraphim. You are the grace of our ancestors; the Glory of the prophets and of all the faithful and worthy and righteous people, the joy of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; You who sprinkled dew upon Gideon. You are the beauty of Moses, Aaron and of all Saints, the Golden Frankincense, the Brilliant Golden Candlestick, the golden Cup, the heavenly spring of manna, the Ark of the Spirit of God. You are all-hymned, my Queen, the most holy vessel of The Life-giving Food, Comforter of the afflicted, holy Guide of all Christians; Who contained the Most Holy Infant, the Unburnt Bush, Boundless and Immense, the flourished rod of Aaron. Indeed, You appeared as the True Rod on whom there came to blossom the fairest Flower, our Savior Jesus Christ, Lord and Creator; our Heavenly Sovereign and Benevolent King. You gave birth to the Lord and Word in flesh, O Virgin before and after Childbirth! The Lord, my Creator has preserved Your virginity Who was incarnate without seed. O Holy Virgin, You are our Reconciler and Mediator with God, our Assistant to all who are helpless. You are hope for all the oppressed. You are a Harbor and Comforter of the poor, Liberator, Protectress of orphans, Deliverer of captives, Healer of the sick, and the Life and Hope of monks and nuns; Fortitude of the faithful and Hope of the whole world! You are a Defender of widows and virgins, Magnificent and the Crown of Beauty, Who gave birth to The Holiest Infant, our LORD. Mother and Queen of mine, defend me under Your wings so that Satan, the destroyer of men shall not boast of my weaknesses. Have pity upon me, a wretched man, who has enraged my Creator, the Judge and the Lord of All with my numerous sins and evil-doings. You are a Refuge; I seek refuge under Your homophorion and kneel down to You, O all hymned One. I am a servant of Yours; O my Queen, and I beg You with many tears, so that our sweet Jesus, Granter of life, shall not cut me off, an unworthy and unready servant of Yours, but I beg You, O most Holy Queen, to be my Guide to the Lord Jesus Christ. Let me be worthy to live with the Righteous Bridegroom in the Kingdom of God, where there will be no mourning, nor crying, nor pain, nor punishment, but enjoyment of eternal happiness in the everlasting Kingdom of God and in union with the Angels. Let me be worthy of deliverance from all of my sins and passions. Open my lips and my mouth shall declare Your praises, and my spirit shall chant hymns to You in happiness and with a zealous heart, as Gabriel chanted to You. Rejoice, Glory of God and sweetness of Light. Rejoice, Queen of happiness. Rejoice, blessed Virgin among mothers. Rejoice, Mother of all Light. Rejoice, Who lifted the Light of Truth. Rejoice, O supreme Queen. Rejoice, O Peace and Happiness and Life of the whole world. Rejoice, joy of all! Rejoice, the prophecy of Prophets. Rejoice, pride of the Apostles and the happiness of the faithful. Rejoice, the Crown of all monks and nuns and all who persevere in tribulation and remain faithful. Rejoice, you who endure sufferings for the sake of the Lord. Rejoice, ever chanted Hymn. Rejoice, happiness and beauty of bishops. Rejoice, the prayers and hymns of chanters and supplicants. Rejoice, our Deliverer. Rejoice, Sweetness and fearsome beauty of everyone born into the world! Rejoice, the Harbor and Guardian, hope for all the oppressed. Rejoice, the source of our steadfastness. Rejoice, the pride of all Your humble servants. Rejoice, Refuge of sinners, the Glory of the world. Rejoice, ever chanted Hymn, Defender and Intercessor. Rejoice, Mother of our Lord and Crown of faithful kings. Rejoice, the Glory and happiness of all priests. Rejoice, opener of the gates of Paradise! Rejoice, You through whom joy will shine forth! Rejoice, Redeemer of Eden from all sorrows. Rejoice, Key to the gates of Heaven. Rejoice, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. Rejoice, You who gave birth to the Comforter. Rejoice, You who have contained the uncontainable! Rejoice, You who nourished Christ, the Life-Giver and All-Glorious Lord! Rejoice with Your humble servants! Rejoice, the source of our strength! Rejoice, Refuge of sinners and the Glory of the world! Rejoice, all-hymned Defender and Intercessor! Rejoice, Mother of our Lord and Crown of the faithful bishops! Rejoice, Glory and Joy of all! Lord, let me depart in peace with this saving prayer. Bestow upon me the dew of Your grace O Lord, and remember me when You come again in glory, for You are Blessed, O Lord, forever and unto the ages of all ages, Amen.
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This prayer was found in the Garden of Gethsemane, in the Sepulcher of the all Holy Mother of God. All those who keep this prayer and always carry it or pray it will be without fear; they will be protected from all adversaries and evil until they enter into eternity. The sick will be healed by this prayer. The Most Holy Mother of God will appear three days before one’s death to those who always pray this prayer.
English translation edited by Rita McKillip. Wisconsin, USA
The Dream and Prayer were dictated by Saint Gabriel the Confessor and Fool for Christ. (August 26, 1929 – November 2, 1995) Feast day: November 2nd. Georgian and Russian Orthodox Churches. |